Eric Bischoff says he almost died twice during a recent incident involving his health.
Speaking on 83 Weeks, Bischoff described how he is hypoglycemic, and he tried Psyllium Husk, a new supplement, hoping it would prove to be beneficial for his blood sugar. Instead, he started having some issues. (Transcription credit of Skylar Russell of Fightful)
“I’m feeling good about myself, this is like three o’clock in the afternoon,” Bischoff said. “So dinner time comes around, Mrs.B and I sit down and we’re eating our super healthy dinner that we do, we have a big salad, super super healthy. We eat, we’re watching TV, the same thing we do all the time. Everything is fine. I’m gonna clean this up a bit because it’s not the most pleasant thing to talk about. I get up [to go to the bathroom], I go to the bathroom and I’m passing buckets of blood. Lots of it. But I felt fine, nothing hurt. I didn’t have an upset stomach, I didn’t have any cramps, I didn’t have anything that to indicate that anything was really wrong other than the fact that I was passing copious amounts of blood. Because I’m smart this way, I go, ‘Eh, it’ll take care of itself.’ I didn’t even mention it to Mrs. B, because I was embarrassed. It’s not something I wanna talk about even though I’m doing it here in front of god knows how many people. So I think it’s gonna take care of itself and I go back to watching TV, about 45 minutes later it happens again. About a half hour after that, it happens again.”
The WWE Hall of Famer continued by noting that he went to bed, thinking he’d feel better in the morning. Instead, he woke up in the middle of the night, and he was so dizzy that he couldn’t stand up. He recalled how he checked his blood pressure, and it was much lower than usual. As Bischoff detailed, the situation continued to escalate from there.
“… My blood pressure is usually 135/140 over 85, maybe 90 something, but I drink a ton of coffee so I’m not alarmed with it. I check my blood pressure and it’s like 85 over 45. I’m thinking, ‘Fuck, that’s not good’ and I check it again, it’s the same thing. I’m thinking something’s wrong, so I go back upstairs and sit on the edge of the bed and I said ‘Lori, I think I need to go to the hospital.’ As soon as I said that, I blacked out, boom I went down. As soon as I hit the floor, I kinda came to and bounced back up again and now I’m making my way to the bathroom because I feel round five coming up. I’m bouncing off the walls, I’m staggering to the bathroom, I almost make it to the bathroom but I didn’t. By the way, it’s all blood, nothing nasty in there other than lots and lots of blood. It looks like somebody gutted a goat in our bathroom, it’s just blood everywhere.”
Bischoff then noted that he went to the hospital, and they eventually sent him home, though he didn’t know what was wrong.
“Lori, at this point, she’s just waking up. She knows nothing. So, she calls the ambulance,” Bischoff said. “Now being the vein son of a bitch that I am, I’m thinking that I can’t let the ambulance come in and see me like this. I’m covered in blood, this is ugly, this is nasty. I can’t do this, so what do I do? I jump up to take a shower, as I get up to jump in the shower, now I’m blacking out and every time I’m blacking out, I’m bouncing my head off something and now my head is bleeding, I cut the bridge of my nose. I can only stay up for about 30, 45 seconds of the time, it was really stupid. Finally, Lori tells me to just get in the tub and wait for the ambulance, and I did. I don’t remember much else after that, but the moral of the story is just read the fucking directions. I go to the emergency room and they keep me there until about 4:30 in the morning and they sent me home, not passing any more blood. I still don’t know what was wrong, but I’m not bleeding anymore so they sent me home.”
Hoping to get back on track with his schedule, Bischoff noted that he was going to film an episode of Strictly Business with co-host Jon Alba, but he wasn’t feeling up to it. He stated that he then blacked out, which prompted him to go to the hospital again.
“I was in the emergency room for a couple hours, they couldn’t figure out what was wrong,” Bischoff said. “They put me in ICU and I was there for a couple days and the bleeding in my intestines was so bad, they couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. They tried to go up their with a scope and take a look around, but it was so much blood and they couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Then they have a discussion with me about how much of my intestines they’re going to surgically remove and I’m going ‘Oh no, no, we’re not doing any of this.’ But the doctor was pretty serious, ‘Look, here’s the deal, we do this or it may not turn out well for you. You’re losing a lot of blood.’ So anyway, they talked me into that the best they could. I’m still in Cody, Wyoming. The next day, they say ‘Okay, we’re gonna go in and take a look around but if we have to operate on you, you’re not gonna be awake to talk about it.'”
Bischoff described how he went through so much blood at that they used up all of the available supply of his blood type at the hospital, so they had to put him on a helicopter and take him to another hospital. From there, he ultimately recovered, though the cause of the bleeding remained a mystery. Bischoff then stated that the doctor told him he almost died twice.
“The helicopter ride was awesome, it’s probably gonna cost me 50 or 60 grand, but it was a fun 40-minute ride you know,” Bischoff said. “I make it to Billings where they have more blood and surgeons, i’m in the ICU for a day or two there and finally on Sunday morning, I wake up and I’m going ‘Hm, I feel pretty good actually. I’m kinda hungry.’ All throughout Sunday, I’m starting to feel a little better. Monday morning, I’m ready to go home, I pretty much stopped passing blood and everything was kinda normal. The doctor said ‘We’re gonna keep you one more day because if you drive home, it’s a two-hour drive from Billings to Cody.
” If you drive home and something goes bad, that’s it. No way we can help you, you’re probably not gonna make it.’ That’s not what I want. I stuck around and they gave me one more test where I drank this solution and it goes all through you and put me through this cat scan machine. I take this as a precaution, they do that and say ‘We can’t find anything wrong with you.’ It was a miraculous healing. I stopped bleeding, they couldn’t find where the blood was coming from, it was a complete mystery. The doctor did tell me, ‘You almost died twice. You almost died here, and you almost died in Cody.'”
Bischoff subsequently detailed how he realized that the bleeding stemmed from the Psyllium Husk supplement.
On behalf of WrestleZone, we wish Bischoff well in his recovery.