Who is Ali C Lopez? Trans-woman roasted by internet for being obese after viral podcast

Ali C Lopez, a famous blogger with over 200,000 followers on TikTok, was seen as the guest on the Whatever Podcast, on April 25 with a panel of Gen-Z women to discuss controversial topics like dating and relationships. She looked obese during the podcast, which was not received well by a section of Twitter users.

One Twitter user posted a screenshot of her, nicknaming her "Gorlock the Destroyer" in the tweet. People used this name to mock Ali C Lopez over social media and made several memes, too.

Gorlock the destroyer trans-woman memes trolling Ali C Lopez

The controversial tweet trolling Ali C Lopez (Image via Twitter)

After her appearance on the gossip podcast with other women, Lopez was trolled for being obese. The voice of Lopez in the video was also replaced with Jabba the Hutt from the movie Star Wars. Fat shaming and trolling are not new on Twitter and celebrities often face such incidents online.

Meanwhile, obesity is on the rise, and toxic body positivity often turns into fat positivity and the promotion of obesity. That could be harmful in the long run, as fat gain is also associated with several health problems and disorders.

Ali C Lopez was discussing controversial issues like dating and relationships on the podcast with other men. She was a guest on the podcast and was quite frank about several issues. 'Whatever Podcast' is a weekly show where host Brian Atlas discusses trending and controversial issues.

Twitter reactions to Gorlock the Destroyer trans-woman memes

TikToker trolled for her obese appearance on a podcast (Image via Unsplash/Solen Feyissa)

After the memes surfaced, they were shared multiple times. The post that gave the nickname got more than 150,000 likes in a week and now the nickname is being used by many Twitter users.

It also shows the complex nature of the social media network where one can find both useful and cringeworthy things. The impact of social media on mental health can be detrimental.

The videos of Ali C Lopez with a changed voice had 11,000 retweets and 76,000 likes in six days, too. It's not known whether Lopez is happy about this trolling or not.

We're expecting something on her TikTok account that might reveal her mood after the Whatever Podcast incident. After the incident, her genuine followers and fans on TikTok expressed support and often commented about how they love her despite her appearance.

Indranil Biswas is a nutritionist and personal trainer with a diploma in dietetics and personal training with a specialization in sports nutrition and strength training.

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